Hello, my name is Joe.
I'm a product designer working on the future of legal technology—currently leading design for DISCO Case Builder. I work with brilliant cross-functional partners to create thoughtful user experiences. I'm focused on designing responsible solutions that genuinely improve lives.
About me
📚 → Small biz side hustle / full-time creative professional
⚖️ → Intrigued by politics, class, economics, and applying historical lessons to the global struggle for equality
👟 → Amateur runner, always improving
🧠 → Business-minded, always learning
🥘 → Probably enjoying Peruvian cuisine right now
What's happening?
Updated January 6, 2024
🎧 → Currently on repeat: Sudan Archives / Disclosure / Sault / Jungle / Baby Rose
🩰 → In 2022, my partner and I opened a dance studio in Central Florida! It’s been a privilege to build a business with her—it presents all sorts of fun challenges—and we’re learning a ton.
🥘 → Throughout early 2024 I’ll be challenging myself to learn the craft of preparing Peruvian ceviche. Wish me luck!
✨ → This new microsite replaces my previous website—less is better here, too.
📬 Venture by Design
My newsletter is on pause for now, but I’ll be transitioning posts to live on this website in the near future.
Creative methodology
Designers are uniquely positioned to influence people’s lives and shape society. Therefore, good design must be responsible and thoughtful. In creating user experiences, I focus on building accessible solutions crafted for long-term, positive social impact. I do this by leveraging UX research and driving deep cross-functional collaboration.
Causes and orgs I'm supporting
I believe I have a responsibility to promote and empower the people doing society's most impactful work. I'm privileged to be able to redirect 4% of my monthly income to an array of organizations whose work I value. 1% goes directly to abortion funds and organizations fighting for women's rights. Each month I choose the remaining 3% from a mix of the following organizations, among others:
📚 → Malala Fund
✊🏼 → SPLC (Southern Poverty Law Center)
⚖️ → EJI (Equal Justice Initiative)
🇺🇸 → ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union)
✊🏼 → Planned Parenthood + Center for Reproductive Rights
🎓 → Guadalupe Center of Immokalee
What I’m reading
Currently reading
📘 → The Affairs of the Falcóns
Recently completed
📗 → American Chica
📘 → Who Cooked Adam Smith’s Dinner?
📒 → Essentialism
Get in touch
Thanks in advance for reaching out! You can get in touch using any of these methods:
- Shoot me an email at josephbrueggen@gmail.com
- Send me a message on LinkedIn
Find me on Twitter at@josephbrueggen(taking a break)